
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Update July 31st, 2013

Diana is still in Bogota, undergoing treatment everyday of the week and even Saturdays sometimes. She will be back to her house in a few days. 

We do see that the tumor growth speed is being controlled by the treatments, even though inside her nose, on one side tumors seemed to dissolve, in the other side they grew... The cancer cells that are around the optic nerve of her left eye, have probably created enough pressure to block that signal and currently her vision on that eye is gone. We will go to an eye oncologist soon, to see what options they may suggest...

She is feeling fine and relatively strong, her mom and relatives have been helping a lot with little Emma and preparing the food and also the juices she has to drink every 2 hours. I am amazed myself how positive and joyful Diana is right now, I truly believe there is so much I have to learn from her....

We will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this August, so this will be the first one with little Emma..!!

Diana and I are truly blessed with so many friends and people helping one way or another.... 

Here the next wonderful event to keep all the faith, thanks to all.....

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9th, 2013 - Update

Hi all....!!

So dianita is undergoing all treatments still in Bogota, under dr. Rojas supervision, herbs and others also from before from dr. Botton and the homeopath... During the weekends she tries to rest and enjoy her family at the most. She will be staying there until the beginning of August to keep the pace of the treatments....

Diana's vision on her left eye is decreasing a bit and she had been feeling dizzy for a few days, so once it got to really bother, she was taken to the hospital for a checkup which included blood check and a brain CT with contrast. 

All blood counts seemed good, besides the iron a bit low, platelets good...!
Activity on the nasal area was seen and on the optic nerves as the MRI showed a few months ago... We shall continue to monitor the vision issue.... So dizziness may be from all herbs+vitamins+....... Stress related...

Emma is fine and getting bigger everyday!! 
Pic1: Diana under treatment
Pic2: Diana and Emma.....

Love to all.....