Monday, December 9, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
November 30th, 2013 - Update.
Our beloved Diana passed away, early this morning, she was together with all her family....
Please pray for her soul, energy and love, to surround us all.....
Love to all, ❤️
Friday, November 29, 2013
Update November 29th, 2013
Diana is not doing well, her breathing is hard and erratic... She is kept with oxygen to help her.
She remains sedated, to keep her from waking up and feeling the shortness of breath, and feeling hesitated..
Pray all you can and make her feel that Beatiful energy she has given to all her friends, family and people she knows...
We just keep believing....
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Update November 27th, 2013 - just keep believing -
Diana is and will remain hospitalized, her health does not permit to take her back home for now. Her breathing is difficult and it seems only oxygen and her left lung is keeping her respiration going.
She is with a small but permanent dose of morphine to control her from getting anxious and feeling the shortness of breath. On the other hand, being in this state, she hasn't been able to eat since yesterday, and only IV fluids are given to her...
Things are not looking good at all, and this really seems a deep slope right on our path.....
but we all just keep believing...
Monday, November 25, 2013
Update November 25th
Diana state has degraded specifically her respiratory system, she is kept with oxygen to help her breath better, but there might be an increase in liquid in her other lung.
We will be updating when possible but please pray for her health and put all the best energy any of you can...
Love to all....
Friday, November 22, 2013
Update November 22nd, 2013
Dianita is still at the clinic, controlling any pain with medications, and her hemoglobin and other measurements seem ok.
There was no adverse reaction to the medication, even though I believe so many IV liquids made her retain them, and because of this, her legs are a bit swollen...she did get another drug to help on this....
She will remain hospitalized for now to monitor her and this way be checked regularly also..
Thanks for all the people sending messages and positive thoughts..!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
November 20th, 2013
Hello!! Diana is stable and her hemoglobin level went up 2 points after the blood transfusion..!
She will remain at the clinic for a few days, they are controlling any pain with specialized drugs. She will start a type of chemo to try and control the tumors... This is the only option for now, after trying and testing many more...!
Please continue to give her hope and energy to continue on her path to healing...
Update : picture from 1st chemo, there will be one dose every week...
Monday, November 18, 2013
Update November 18th, 2013
Diana has been hospitalized today to do her a blood transfusion needed to bring her hemoglobin level up to a better one. It is currently going on uneventful...
She will stay here some days, so that the doctors can monitor her better, and give her other medical suggestions and treatments, to control or try to shrink down the tumors...
We will keep all posted as the days go by...
She sends her love to all..!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Update November 13th, 2013
Hi all,
Diana is currently in Colombia with baby Emma. She continues to take some alternative things, and eating the best she can. She doesn't feel well some days, but some a little better; she controls any pain with some pills for that purpose. She feels pain on her right lung and it reflects to the back, so sometimes at night it is difficult to "find the right spot".
She will be going to a regular doctor soon to check how can the pressure on her nose be relieved, because the tumor is still there and it has grown.
Baby Emma is huge now, healthy and intelligent..! She will be soon 9 months at the end of this month...
We are all praying for her health, with faith and positive energy...
Thanks to all for the help and support...!!!!
Diana is currently in Colombia with baby Emma. She continues to take some alternative things, and eating the best she can. She doesn't feel well some days, but some a little better; she controls any pain with some pills for that purpose. She feels pain on her right lung and it reflects to the back, so sometimes at night it is difficult to "find the right spot".
She will be going to a regular doctor soon to check how can the pressure on her nose be relieved, because the tumor is still there and it has grown.
Baby Emma is huge now, healthy and intelligent..! She will be soon 9 months at the end of this month...
We are all praying for her health, with faith and positive energy...
Thanks to all for the help and support...!!!!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Update Oct. 17th 2013
After many weeks of analysis and medical exams, and even a planned date for the nasal surgery, it was cancelled due to medical reasons; Diana is too much of a risk to have such a surgery right now.
Her hemoglobin blood level is too low, and her pulmonary capacity is not enough to be risk-free during a surgery of that type and length. Her right lung has cancerous nodules that deplete her respiratory condition, her left lung is not really affected, even though some images show a very small amount of liquid but it hasn't changed since two months ago.
It is a hard blow to our perspectives of removing the nasal tumors and protecting her optical nerves...
Diana is affected a lot because of her physical looks, plus the pain that the tumors generate on her face... She regrets not having all the energy to play all the time with little Emma... But Diana is much more stable, and has more energy than 2 months ago when her dad passed away...
We will continue on the search of alternatives, and return to the previous ones.
Big hug.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Update sept. 24th, 2013
Diana is staying in Colombia with little baby Emma, and now the Colombian health insurance seems to be covering her treatment.... Hopefully approvals should be in by tomorrow!
She went to the general primary Dr. Last week and he forwarded her case to a specialist that saw her today and immediately put an order for all necessary tests and exams needed to get her the needed surgery for her nasal tumor. With this surgery she should get the tumor removed and protect the right eye and see how can the left eye optic nerve be recovered...
Please put all + energy for the necessary approvals!! She considered staying in Colombia for now because of the help she and little Emma can receive with both grandma's there and other family..! I have been traveling myself every two weeks and staying there all the time my work permits it...
She has also been stable with her lungs, so this is a good and positive sign...!
We will be informing of any news regarding surgery and updates!!!
Update 9/25: all tests and exams towards the surgery have been approved by the insurance in Colombia.!!!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sept 9th 2013 - update
Hello all,
Diana is stable in Colombia still no major progress seen..., she will remain with little Emma until further notice...or if we decide that there will be better medical options home.
The lungs are stable for now, there is some pain felt on her back but controlled with medicine when needed.. Her tumors on the nose are present, so we are inquiring about surgical removal to see if it is a possibility or not right now...
The most important thing now is to give her all the positive energy we can, and make her feel that all this can be reverted and healing is our only and final goal...!
Ozone therapies are still being done, and some others... The homeopathic drops are also being taken daily.
Thanks to all....!!!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Update August 20th, 2013
Diana had been feeling a lot of pain for the last few days on her right side. Once at the hospital here in Cali, Colombia they made an X-ray of her lungs and saw a lot of liquid in the right one. It needed to be taken out to relieve pain and make a body Cat scan.
Today the liquid was taken out and sent to the labs for testing and the cat scan was made too, and we are waiting for results. It is very common for tumors to generate this symptom on the lungs...
She is feeling much better, even though she is very tired. She will continue at the hospital until a decision is made regarding a major surgery of the lung to stop any more liquid from filling it again...
Please let's all be positive and with much love towards her healing!!
Communication is difficult being abroad so i will post updates here when I get Internet access.
Update 8/21: Diana is out of the hospital, much better with her breathing. She will remain calm these few days while the next steps are organized...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Update August 17th, 2013
This early morning Diana's father passed away, it is a very hard moment for the family and friends. We are all in Colombia so please don't try to call our us phone numbers.
I will update everybody in a few days again...
Love and strength to all.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Update August 12th, 2013
Diana did return from Bogotá a few days ago, but was able to stay for less than a week because her father got really sick. He suffers from a lung disease and breathing got real difficult for him and he is currently in the hospital....
Diana travelled to Cali with little Emma, where her parents live, and will be staying there for some weeks to see how things evolve. Meanwhile she is continuing her treatment with dr. Canencio who is the homeopath and lives down there too. She is also looking into regular medical advice regarding the vision of her left eye and how to protect her right one from the same problem. There might be a surgical operation advised and it would be done in Colombia.
Besides this, Diana is a strong woman, with many desires and positive that this will go away soon. Tumors are getting softer and that continues to be a very good sign.!!!
Big hugs to all...
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Update July 31st, 2013
Diana is still in Bogota, undergoing treatment everyday of the week and even Saturdays sometimes. She will be back to her house in a few days.
We do see that the tumor growth speed is being controlled by the treatments, even though inside her nose, on one side tumors seemed to dissolve, in the other side they grew... The cancer cells that are around the optic nerve of her left eye, have probably created enough pressure to block that signal and currently her vision on that eye is gone. We will go to an eye oncologist soon, to see what options they may suggest...
She is feeling fine and relatively strong, her mom and relatives have been helping a lot with little Emma and preparing the food and also the juices she has to drink every 2 hours. I am amazed myself how positive and joyful Diana is right now, I truly believe there is so much I have to learn from her....
We will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this August, so this will be the first one with little Emma..!!
Diana and I are truly blessed with so many friends and people helping one way or another....
Here the next wonderful event to keep all the faith, thanks to all.....
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
July 9th, 2013 - Update
Hi all....!!
So dianita is undergoing all treatments still in Bogota, under dr. Rojas supervision, herbs and others also from before from dr. Botton and the homeopath... During the weekends she tries to rest and enjoy her family at the most. She will be staying there until the beginning of August to keep the pace of the treatments....
Diana's vision on her left eye is decreasing a bit and she had been feeling dizzy for a few days, so once it got to really bother, she was taken to the hospital for a checkup which included blood check and a brain CT with contrast.
All blood counts seemed good, besides the iron a bit low, platelets good...!
Activity on the nasal area was seen and on the optic nerves as the MRI showed a few months ago... We shall continue to monitor the vision issue.... So dizziness may be from all herbs+vitamins+....... Stress related...
Emma is fine and getting bigger everyday!!
Love to all.....
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Update June 30th, 2013.
Hello All!!!
Dianita and emma are currently in Bogota, Colombia, for an ongoing treatment that includes: psychologist, IV's of vitamins (I know some are B12, C....), Ozone IV, etc. All controlled and followed carefully by specialized doctors in this areas. Diana is taking every couple hours the special Chinese herbs given by Dr. Botton also.
The tumors are still present on the nose and right side where the last surgery was, but we feel that the growth has slowed down at least....
The food Diana is taking, is all the recommended vegetables, juices, and grains.... Mom Maritza, sister Caro and Daniela are on top of this....! =) So we are very faithful that things will get better everyday now.....
I use this message also to give you all a huge "thank you" again to all who have helped us in one way or another..!!! without that, Diana would not have been able to do so many necessary things towards her healing....words may not express all the love we have received unconditionally...

Emma went with us before Diana left, to the beach and touched the ocean waters for the first time!!! Here is the pic we would like to share with all....
Dianita and emma are currently in Bogota, Colombia, for an ongoing treatment that includes: psychologist, IV's of vitamins (I know some are B12, C....), Ozone IV, etc. All controlled and followed carefully by specialized doctors in this areas. Diana is taking every couple hours the special Chinese herbs given by Dr. Botton also.
The tumors are still present on the nose and right side where the last surgery was, but we feel that the growth has slowed down at least....
The food Diana is taking, is all the recommended vegetables, juices, and grains.... Mom Maritza, sister Caro and Daniela are on top of this....! =) So we are very faithful that things will get better everyday now.....
I use this message also to give you all a huge "thank you" again to all who have helped us in one way or another..!!! without that, Diana would not have been able to do so many necessary things towards her healing....words may not express all the love we have received unconditionally...
Emma went with us before Diana left, to the beach and touched the ocean waters for the first time!!! Here is the pic we would like to share with all....
Love to ALL......
Friday, June 21, 2013
June 21st./2013 - update
Hello all!!
Dianis is keeping control of any tumors in the face through several processes, a big component is a self healing one that she must continue to do everyday. Dr. Botton is now helping a lot with a whole treatment of acupuncture several times a week, and a strong herb cocktail including xue fu zhu yu tang.... And dr. Lam will continue with local control which is today....
She will be traveling next week to Bogota to continue the treatment with Santiago Rojas for just two weeks and then return down here.
She continues strong and with very positive attitude....
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Junio 13, 2013 - actualización
Hola a todos!
Dianita estuvo ayer nuevamente donde Dr. Lam, y le realizo una pequeña infiltración en un tumor que ha ido creciendo en la fosa nasal del lado izquierdo, y se espera que este empiece a disolverse en unos dos días... Esto para controlar estos crecimientos... El Dr le puso una dosis de artimisine y una nueva hierba China que no recuerdo el nombre pero la colocare aquí pronto...
Seguimos con mucha fe y amor a todos los tratamientos que se han ensayado. Pronto dianita debe hacerse una resonancia magnética en la cabeza para ver como esta todo x dentro...
Emmita esta grande y fuerte! Creciendo ya casi con 3 meses y medio...! Ver fotico... Esta acompañándonos estas semanas la abuelita Luz Elvira....
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Investigators Sequence the Genome of ACC...!!!
A new article about Dianitas type of Cancer!!! Good news.....
Investigators Sequence the Genome of a Rare Head and Neck Cancer
By Julie Grisham, MS, Science Writer/Editor | Friday, May 24, 2013
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, many researchers have turned their efforts toward sequencing the genomes of various kinds of cancer. Collaborative groups including The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a government-funded project created to accelerate our understanding of the molecular basis of cancer, have published genomic information on lung, ovarian, and colorectal cancers, among others.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering has played a role in many of these multicenter efforts, sharing both tumor samples and the expertise of its clinician-scientists. But despite these efforts, these studies only examine a small fraction of the many different types of human malignancies. Now our investigators have performed complete sequencing and analysis of a large set of a rare head and neck cancer called adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), which is an aggressive form of salivary gland cancer.
“Sequencing rare cancers such as ACC is a great way for Memorial Sloan-Kettering to take the lead in unraveling cancer genomics,” says Timothy A. Chan, a radiation oncologist and investigator in the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program (HOPP), and the senior author of the study, which was published online May 19 in Nature Genetics. “Just as we have the specialized knowledge and experience to treat rare cancers in the clinic, analyzing their genomics is an area where we believe we can make an important contribution.”
An Enigmatic Malignancy
ACC is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Some patients are cured by surgery alone, but the disease can return or spread to other parts of the body, and no known chemotherapy agent is effective, although many patients are treated with radiation therapy. The cancer, which affects 800 to 1,000 people in the United States annually, can recur for as many as ten to 15 years after treatment.
Until the current study, little was known about the molecular changes that lead to these cancers. The investigators sequenced 60 matched pairs: the complete genomes or exomes of tumor samples from 60 patients along with normal tissue samples from those same 60 patients.
“By comparing the mutational landscape of tumors to normal DNA and comparing tumors with other tumors, you can determine which genes are mutated in these cancers and also how these tumors can differ from one another,” Dr. Chan explains.
The investigators found that ACC tumors could be divided into three general subtypes: those with mutations in PI3-kinase pathway genes, which encode enzymes involved in cell growth and proliferation; those with mutations in chromatin remodeling genes, which control how other genes are expressed; and those with mutations in a pathway called Notch, which also modifies gene expression.
Targeted therapies are already in development for these three types of mutations in other cancers, raising hope that clinical trials for ACC could start quickly.
Quiet Genomes
The most surprising part of the discovery was that ACC tumors carry very few mutations when compared with most other solid tumors.
“We call these quiet genomes,” Dr. Chan explains. “Breast and lung cancer are very noisy, with about 100 times more mutations than ACC. This is one of the main reasons why targeted therapies for those cancers usually work for only a short time.”
Because ACC tumors have so few mutations, Dr. Chan and his colleagues expect that targeted therapies against them will be more effective than for many other cancers with similar mutations. He compares the number of mutations seen in ACC to the number in chronic myeloid leukemia, a type of blood cancer for which targeted therapies have been very effective.
“It is very unusual for a solid tumor to have so few mutations,” he adds.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
June 1st. Update
Diana continues her treatment and taking a lot of care with the food.
She started lately a different approach with the TCM treatment and results seem to be promising; her tumors are still blocking the nose passages, but pieces have fallen and the swollen parts have been reduced a lot.
The ethanol dissolves the tumor but causes swelling also, and pain. So the new procedures include local cupping to remove stagnated blood and make that part were tumors are, to flow more renewed blood.
The palate is still hurting and it'sdifficult eating hard things, so Diana has been taking more creams and soups...
We continue on this journey that takes us to a complete healing.....
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Mayo 28/2013 / actualización
Dianita estuvo donde dr. Lam el fin de semana y fue infiltrada nuevamente en la región nasal y el paladar. Se trata de controlar el crecimiento tumoral por medio de etanol 95%, el cual necrotiza el tumor al cabo de un día... Los que recibieron la dosis ya se ven negros y acabandose, lo que se espera es que dianita pueda respirar por la nariz nuevamente.... La artemisinina aunque no ha tenido un resultado notable, se sigue inyectando porque debe ayudar a oxidar este tipo de células de cierta manera. El lei gong teng (antireplicador celular) se incrementó la dosis a cada 8 horas...
Estas infiltraciones obviamente generan inflamación y es molesto y doloroso a veces, dianita ha controlado esto con algunas medicinas para el dolor....
Esperamos positivamente que los códigos de sanacion y demás terapias en práctica detengan el progreso de esta enfermedad y encaucen correctamente a las células.
Con mucho positivismo!!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
May 23rd, 2013
So Diana, little Emma and grandma are back from Colombia! Emma has grown a bunch and is happily smiling around !
Diana face looks better, even though her breathing through the nose is not possible yet. She will back today to dr. Lam's office and may get treatment tonight....
Thanks to all for the support with Diana in Bogota for these 3 weeks!!! She has returned much more full of energy and more positive in an physical and spiritual way...!! She may have to return in less than two months for a follow up....
We will be in touch through here....!!!!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Actualización Mayo 19, 2013
Dianita esta aun en Bogotá, y sigue con sus tratamientos especificados por el doctor Rojas.
Se ha visto como los tumores nasales visibles se han necrotizados!! Y la cara de dianita se ha desinflamado muy notoriamente.... :)
Algo esta haciendo un efecto muy positivo..!!!
Dianita estará hasta esta semana que empieza allá y regresara a casa. Es probable que deba volver para un seguimiento en menos de dos meses..!!
Emmita creciendo y con muchas ganas de hablar ya!! y Le gusta tratar de levantarse para sentarse!! Esta grande y fuerte...
Un abrazo a todos...!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
May 14th, 2013
Diana is feeling well, her face is much less swollen since the last infiltration done with Dr. Lam, we shall wait to see if the nasal tumors get any smaller so she can start breathing through her nose again, both passages are almost completely blocked, the right one only if she forces air it goes through...
The artemisinin was injected directly and now she's taking the max dose everyday, so effects should be visible on the tumors...
The treatment in colombia is more of a bioenergy type, she is having the ozone IV, a magnetic
treatment and a code healing factor treatment that has showed a lot of results with many people...
Thanks for everybody's positive energy!!!
The artemisinin was injected directly and now she's taking the max dose everyday, so effects should be visible on the tumors...
The treatment in colombia is more of a bioenergy type, she is having the ozone IV, a magnetic
treatment and a code healing factor treatment that has showed a lot of results with many people...
Thanks for everybody's positive energy!!!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Mayo 9-10/2013
Dianita vino de colombia por un día para que Dr.. Lam le hiciera una infiltración en la zona nasal con artemisinin y bicarbonato de sodio! Los pasajes nasales se han ido obstruyendo por un crecimiento tumoral que es visible.... y salió hoy 5/10 por la mañana de vuelta para Bogotá.
Un viaje rápido pero productivo para aprovechar las citas que el Dr.. Tiene en Miami los jueves....
Hoy salgo a acompañarla en Bogotá por ser su primer día de la madre junto a Emmita.... Y estará su familia también en Bogotá....
Un abrazo a todos.
Un viaje rápido pero productivo para aprovechar las citas que el Dr.. Tiene en Miami los jueves....
Hoy salgo a acompañarla en Bogotá por ser su primer día de la madre junto a Emmita.... Y estará su familia también en Bogotá....
Un abrazo a todos.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tratamiento en Bogota.... 5/8/2013
Dianita ya tuvo esta semana la cita con el dr. Santiago Rojas. Le fue muy bien, estuvo unas horas hablando con el y le dio instrucciones de leer un libro especial y varios tratamientos que ya comenzaron esta semana, incluyendo una terapia de ozono intravenoso y varios otros de balance de frecuencias en organos del cuerpo, etc.
Emmita sigue creciendo muy sana gracias a Dios, sin problemas con el clima bogotano!!
Emmita sigue creciendo muy sana gracias a Dios, sin problemas con el clima bogotano!!
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Seguimos todos muy tranquilos y confiados en que todo seguira mejorando rapidamente....!!!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Treatment in Colombia May 2-22/2013
Hello all,
So Diana has left with little Emma and her mom to Colombia, to stay for 20 days and receive an extra treatment option with well known Dr. Santiago Rojas Posada.
Video in spanish:

Dr. Santiago Rojas
She still continues her TCM treatment with some pills of Artemisinin and lei gong teng;
so this will be an extra part of the treatment....
She and the baby girl will be surrounded and helped by her family who lives in Bogota, Colombia.
Again, this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped emotionally and/or financially to get Diana to receive all the necessary treatments towards her full recovery.
So Diana has left with little Emma and her mom to Colombia, to stay for 20 days and receive an extra treatment option with well known Dr. Santiago Rojas Posada.
Video in spanish:
Dr. Santiago Rojas
She still continues her TCM treatment with some pills of Artemisinin and lei gong teng;
so this will be an extra part of the treatment....
She and the baby girl will be surrounded and helped by her family who lives in Bogota, Colombia.
Again, this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped emotionally and/or financially to get Diana to receive all the necessary treatments towards her full recovery.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Abril 26/2013 - actualización/update
Hola!! Se celebró el cumpleaños de dianita, y pudimos ver apartes del concierto benéfico en Bogotá que fue súper organizado por Daniel Prieto...!!! Mil graciasssss
Esta semana se realizaron de nuevo unas infiltraciones nasales. Ya se vieron resultados positivos desde la semana anterior, el tumor infiltrado en la fosa se ha necrotizado y se espera que los demás igualmente estas semanas. Estos son solo unos puntos locales e igual no es posible llegar y ver otros más internos, pero se continúa con Artemisinina vía oral y otras pastillas médicas chinas para eso....
La próxima semana dianita, Emma y la abuela irán a Bogotá para empezar otro tratamiento bio energético con Santiago Rojas que durará tres semanas. Todo esto gracias a la ayuda incondicional de todos ustedes!!! Gracias de nuevo!!!!
Estaré actualizando apenas sea posible...!!!
Esta semana se realizaron de nuevo unas infiltraciones nasales. Ya se vieron resultados positivos desde la semana anterior, el tumor infiltrado en la fosa se ha necrotizado y se espera que los demás igualmente estas semanas. Estos son solo unos puntos locales e igual no es posible llegar y ver otros más internos, pero se continúa con Artemisinina vía oral y otras pastillas médicas chinas para eso....
La próxima semana dianita, Emma y la abuela irán a Bogotá para empezar otro tratamiento bio energético con Santiago Rojas que durará tres semanas. Todo esto gracias a la ayuda incondicional de todos ustedes!!! Gracias de nuevo!!!!
Estaré actualizando apenas sea posible...!!!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Abril 20/2013 en casa
Ya de nuevo en casa con la gordita y la abuela Maritza. La 1a. Parte del tratamiento ya fue terminada y ahora siguen unas pequeñas infiltraciones locales y unas pastillas de control que debe dianita tomarse por un tiempo.
Ahora sigue un descanso de dos semanas y dianis estará viajando a Bogotá para estar unos 20 días en otro tratamiento con el Dr. Santiago Rojas. La acompañarán esta vez Emmita y la abuela Maritza.
Un abrazo a todos!!
Ahora sigue un descanso de dos semanas y dianis estará viajando a Bogotá para estar unos 20 días en otro tratamiento con el Dr. Santiago Rojas. La acompañarán esta vez Emmita y la abuela Maritza.
Un abrazo a todos!!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Diana's comment: April 17th, 2013
Hi my dear
On Monday,
Dr. Lam infiltrated my visible tumor on the nose as well as the acupuncture
points near my nose. I didn't get swollen as a blow-fish but as a little one…..
I received IV my treatment and at night the Dr. came and infiltrated the nose
tumor with ethanol, this will necrotize it. There is no access to the other
tumors, therefore all our hope is on the artemisinine to destroy them. He also
told me that he will give me two different herbal medicine that I should take
when I come back home.
We will be
back tomorrow and we will see Emma, my mommy and my brother in law, who has been
on guard next to them =)
you a super big hug!
Hola mis
El lunes
finalmente Dr. Lam me infiltro el tumor visible de la nariz y tambien me
infiltro otra vez en los puntos de acupuntura cerca de la nariz. No me inflame
como un pez globo sino como un pececillo globo LOL!! =)
recibí mi tratamiento intravenoso y en la noche el Dr. regreso y me infiltro el
tumor de la nariz con etanol, eso lo necrotisara completamente. Los otros
tumores no son accesibles para realizar ese procedimiento, asi que confiamos
plenamente en que la artemisinina los esta atacando por el torrente sanguíneo.
Me dijo que adicionalmente me dará dos medicinas herbales que deberé tomar para
continuar el tratamiento en casa.
regresaremos a Miami, veremos a Emma, a mi mama y a Juan Carlos mi cuñado que
estuvo al pie del cañon con ellas. =)
Les mando
un abrazoooteeeeee
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Abril 13, 2013
Dianita continua en su tratamiento todos los días, ya faltan sólo 5 más y regresamos a casa.
Dianis se ha sentido bien y sin efectos secundarios aparte de a veces dolor de cabeza. Los exámenes de sangre han mostrado como ha mejorado los valores de glóbulos blancos, hemoglobina, plaquetas...
No hemos salido mucho de la clínica, sólo a un supermercado cercano para tener cosas extra de comer.
Un abrazo a todos!!!
Michael y Dianita
Dianis se ha sentido bien y sin efectos secundarios aparte de a veces dolor de cabeza. Los exámenes de sangre han mostrado como ha mejorado los valores de glóbulos blancos, hemoglobina, plaquetas...
No hemos salido mucho de la clínica, sólo a un supermercado cercano para tener cosas extra de comer.
Un abrazo a todos!!!
Michael y Dianita
Friday, April 12, 2013
Specific article about lab test with Artesunate and ACC
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Abril 11, 2013
Ayer fue un día de tratamiento normal, ya la Dianita sintiéndose mejor, el día anterior le dolía mucho la espalda a un lado, probablemente por estar acostada, y fue tratada con acupuntura por Dr. Lam en la región alrededor del sacro; y amaneció perfecta!! sólo persistía un dolor de brazo y tomó un analgésico para sentirse mejor!!
Anoche estuvimos viendo hasta el final el concierto benéfico en Miami en vivo vía FaceTime y disfrutamos tanta buena energía y amor con todos los artistas que donaron su esfuerzo y la gente que fue al evento!! Mil gracias a todos!!
Ya estamos en la mitad del tratamiento y faltan sólo 6 días más! Ya después seguiríamos con una segunda etapa diferente que después explicáremos!
Abrazos a todos!!!
Michael y Dianita
Anoche estuvimos viendo hasta el final el concierto benéfico en Miami en vivo vía FaceTime y disfrutamos tanta buena energía y amor con todos los artistas que donaron su esfuerzo y la gente que fue al evento!! Mil gracias a todos!!
Ya estamos en la mitad del tratamiento y faltan sólo 6 días más! Ya después seguiríamos con una segunda etapa diferente que después explicáremos!
Abrazos a todos!!!
Michael y Dianita
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
April 9th, 2013
Hello all!
Yesterday te treatment continued, but the difference was that it was done infiltrating Diana directly in the face in an acupuncture point called stomach 3. It was done with a dilute mixture of Artemisinin an sodium bicarbonate. Her face did get swollen and she had an expected reaction with fever and nausea.
Today she woke up less swollen, but with fever which was controlled with pills. Besides that, she is positive and making fun of her swollen face, and is calling herself a ballon fish.... ;) today the treatment continued but through iv as usual.
She spent most of the day resting and sleeping!
Diana made friends with other patients receiving the same treatment, and support and help each other during this time...
This was day 4, and 8 days are remaining of this first part of the treatment at least the section abroad.
Yesterday te treatment continued, but the difference was that it was done infiltrating Diana directly in the face in an acupuncture point called stomach 3. It was done with a dilute mixture of Artemisinin an sodium bicarbonate. Her face did get swollen and she had an expected reaction with fever and nausea.
Today she woke up less swollen, but with fever which was controlled with pills. Besides that, she is positive and making fun of her swollen face, and is calling herself a ballon fish.... ;) today the treatment continued but through iv as usual.
She spent most of the day resting and sleeping!
Diana made friends with other patients receiving the same treatment, and support and help each other during this time...
This was day 4, and 8 days are remaining of this first part of the treatment at least the section abroad.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Article explaining the drug being used in Diana's treatment
Sunday, April 7, 2013
- Diana's Words -
My heart is full with light and love, I feel humble and grateful for the waves of affection and good energies that come to me :)
You cannot imagine how excited I am every time I see, read, receive so many messages and I feel so much but so much love: *
Every time I look at my little Emma, I evoke all the love that you have been giving me. I recharge my energies and at the same time I reaffirm the certainty that, God willing, we will be together for a long, long time. I imagine all the gray hairs the new family addition will make me have and then I feel full of happiness.
Emma, this little piece of heaven came into our lives giving us the greatest joy. I think Emma's birth as a blessing because despite my condition, she has perfect health. I take that as a message of hope and a message that is multiplied and confirmed by each of your messages, prayers, thoughts and donations.
Many of you know me personally, some of you only by reference, but to each and every one of you my eternal gratitude. I pray to God that the light you are sharing with me and also with my family, may be exponentially multiplied.
Being in "my shoes", seeing what my parents, sister, nice, brother, husband, in-laws, cousins, my adopted sisters and friends have mobilized and seeing how they have touched the hearts of their family and all the friends supporting me, is another one of God’s manifestations through his helpers and angels ... ALL OF YOU!
It is a great honor to experience the universal alignment of love to help me.
I am full with happiness when I think that I will find my healing through traditional Chinese medicine. I am learning so much and I will learn even more while walking through this process. Do you know why? Because, I will be a living example of its effectiveness and not of the medieval approaches, hahaha. I mean "cut off its head”, surgery, “burning it into the stake” radiation, nor “poisoning it,” chemotherapy; I heard that on a lecture and I had a good laugh about it. In fact those were the alternatives that were offered and two practiced on me and failed. I am telling you, it's an honor that the universe has aligned to help! It helps me to experience the effectiveness of a technique that is used in my future profession.
With the support of each of you, I will be in the future like Dr. Lam, giving hope to many people living with cancer, to their parents, brothers, and sisters, daughters, and sons, and also to their friends, and all those who I love them. (Just as you love me ;)) I would have been graduating in August of this year, but for obvious reasons, it will be postponed. Instead, I have to my favor all the experience I'm having. I'm a better doctor because I am a patient, I'm much more compassionate because I have been in pain. I have more faith than ever because I believe in the future despite of the cloudy circumstances.
Is not God's plan perfect? You are helping me today and I, God willing, will multiply your generosity and support, hopefully hundreds thousands in the future ...
Big big big hug!
You cannot imagine how excited I am every time I see, read, receive so many messages and I feel so much but so much love: *
Every time I look at my little Emma, I evoke all the love that you have been giving me. I recharge my energies and at the same time I reaffirm the certainty that, God willing, we will be together for a long, long time. I imagine all the gray hairs the new family addition will make me have and then I feel full of happiness.
Emma, this little piece of heaven came into our lives giving us the greatest joy. I think Emma's birth as a blessing because despite my condition, she has perfect health. I take that as a message of hope and a message that is multiplied and confirmed by each of your messages, prayers, thoughts and donations.
Many of you know me personally, some of you only by reference, but to each and every one of you my eternal gratitude. I pray to God that the light you are sharing with me and also with my family, may be exponentially multiplied.
Being in "my shoes", seeing what my parents, sister, nice, brother, husband, in-laws, cousins, my adopted sisters and friends have mobilized and seeing how they have touched the hearts of their family and all the friends supporting me, is another one of God’s manifestations through his helpers and angels ... ALL OF YOU!
It is a great honor to experience the universal alignment of love to help me.
I am full with happiness when I think that I will find my healing through traditional Chinese medicine. I am learning so much and I will learn even more while walking through this process. Do you know why? Because, I will be a living example of its effectiveness and not of the medieval approaches, hahaha. I mean "cut off its head”, surgery, “burning it into the stake” radiation, nor “poisoning it,” chemotherapy; I heard that on a lecture and I had a good laugh about it. In fact those were the alternatives that were offered and two practiced on me and failed. I am telling you, it's an honor that the universe has aligned to help! It helps me to experience the effectiveness of a technique that is used in my future profession.
With the support of each of you, I will be in the future like Dr. Lam, giving hope to many people living with cancer, to their parents, brothers, and sisters, daughters, and sons, and also to their friends, and all those who I love them. (Just as you love me ;)) I would have been graduating in August of this year, but for obvious reasons, it will be postponed. Instead, I have to my favor all the experience I'm having. I'm a better doctor because I am a patient, I'm much more compassionate because I have been in pain. I have more faith than ever because I believe in the future despite of the cloudy circumstances.
Is not God's plan perfect? You are helping me today and I, God willing, will multiply your generosity and support, hopefully hundreds thousands in the future ...
Big big big hug!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Saturday april 6th
Diana had today her blood tests, electrocardiograph, and general medical checkup! - all came back good!
Then during the afternoon she received the first dose of the treatment. No adverse reactions or anything! She is fine and strong....
Then during the afternoon she received the first dose of the treatment. No adverse reactions or anything! She is fine and strong....
Friday, April 5, 2013
Adventure starting!
So today arrived safely to the medical center where treatment will star tomorrow after the initial check and tests!! Looking forward to start the adventure with Diana!
Ps: will update tomorrow !!
Ps: will update tomorrow !!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Informacion del Tratamiento...
Centro Médico Dr. Ovalle aplicará avanzada técnica en el manejo de cáncer; es la terapia genética del Cáncer: nueva esperanza en los enfermos de cáncer
Desde la izquierda el Dr. Félix Meyreles, Dr. Abigail García, Dr. Marcelo Lam, Dr. Li Dinggang, Dr. Luis García, Dr. Fortunato Dominguez y Dr. Francisco Duarte.
El Centro Médico Dr. Ovalle, primera institución de salud de San Francisco de Macorís y la Región Nordeste, recibió la visita del afamado médico chino Dr. Li Dinggang, especialista en el tratamiento integrado de cáncer. El prestigioso galeno oriental vino a evaluar el proceso previo al inicio de prestación de servicio del avanzado Tratamiento Integrado de Cáncer que muy pronto ofrecerá esta institución a la comunidad nordestana y al país.
Información Comentada
Tradicionalmente el Cáncer ha sido una de las enfermedades más temidas por el ser humano. Lo es porque siempre ha sido un enigma para el hombre enfrentarse a lo desconocido. Donde quiera que aparece un cáncer es porque se ha producido un crecimiento desorganizado de células que dan origen a un tumor.
Son varias las alternativas terapéuticas con que se cuenta hoy día en el manejo del cáncer: cirugía, quimioterapia, radioterapia, una combinación de todas ellas o sencillamente y en muchos casos no hay alternativas posibles.
Hoy día se cuenta con una nueva esperanza para los enfermos del cáncer. Se trata del Manejo Integrado del Cáncer, una modalidad que une el manejo occidental tradicional del cáncer con la medicina tradicional china.
Desde el año 2005 se aprobó y se aplica en China el tratamiento genético antitumoral, el cual es el tratamiento biológico más avanzado en el mundo actualmente. Es un tratamiento que se puede aplicar en todo tipo de cáncer y tumores malignos.
Recientemente la Sociedad Interamericana Integrada presentó en la ciudad de Miami, la práctica de medicina integrada en América y el mundo, un evento donde se dieron cita prestigiosos profesionales de la Oncología, entre los cuales estaba el mundialmente famoso médico chino Li Dinggang, oncólogo y profesor de la Universidad de Beijing, quien es líder mundial en la aplicación del tratamiento genético del cáncer y quien ofreció una interesante conferencia sobre los avances del tratamiento genético anti cáncer, mostrando numerosas evidencias de casos clínicos de cáncer ya diagnosticados, algunos con metástasis que lograron remisiones asombrosas con la aplicación de este tratamiento, combinado con el tratamiento convencional.
El doctor Li Dinggang estuvo de visita en el Centro Médico Dr. Ovalle de esta ciudad del Jaya en compañía del doctor Marcelo Lam, especialista chino en el manejo del cáncer, ultimando los detalles para la aplicación próximamente de este tipo de tratamiento en esta institución de salud.
Es importante señalar que en el país solamente se ofrecerá este tipo de tratamiento en el Centro Médico Dr. Ovalle y el Hospital Metropolitano de Santiago, donde se han entrenado médicos para ello.
Los doctores: Luis García, Abigaíl García, Francisco Duarte, Fortunato Domínguez y Jesús Emilio Almonte, asistieron al Congreso que se ofreció en la ciudad de Miami y quedaron gratamente impresionados de los importantes temas que allí se debatieron.
Los doctores Marcelo Lam y Li Dinggang insistieron en la necesidad de crear los mecanismos de lugar que hagan posible la detención temprana de los diferentes tipos de cáncer y lo que es más importante la Prevención.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Palabras de Diana...!!
De Diana Ferro (from Diana Ferro/Caserta):
Mi corazón esta llenito de luz y de amor, se siente humilde y agradecido por la oleadas de afecto y buenas energias que me llegan :)
No se alcanzan a imaginar como me emociono al ver, leer, recibir, sentir tanto pero tanto amor :*
Cada instante que miro a mi pequeñita Emma, evoco todo el amor que ustedes me dan. Me recargo y reafirmo la certeza de que estaremos, Dios mediante, junticas mucho, mucho tiempo. Me imagino todas la canas verdes, que la nueva adición de la familia nos va a sacar y me lleno de alegria.
Este pedacito de Cielo llego a nuestras vidas dandonos el mayor regocijo. Creo que la bendición del nacimiento de Emma a pesar de mi condición y su perfecto estado de salud, es un mensaje de esperanza multiplicado y reafirmado por cada uno de sus mensajes, oraciones, pensamientos y sus donaciones.
Muchos me conocen personalmente algunos solo de "oídas" a todos y cada uno mi eterno agradecimiento. Oro y clamo a Dios porque la luz que comparten conmigo y a su vez con mi familia, sea exponencialmente multiplicada.
La verdad que estando en "mis zapatos", ver como mis padres, hermanos, cuñado, esposo, suegros, cuñadas, primo@s, ti@s, mis hermanas adoptivas y amig@s se han movilizado y han tocado el corazón de sus familiares y amigos apoyando mi sanción, es la manifestación de Dios a traves de sus ayudadores y angeles... TODOS USTEDES!
Es un gran honor ver como todo el amor del universo se alinea para ayudarme.
No se imaginan la felicidad que me inunda la idea de que a traves de mi sanación por esta via de la medicina tradicional china, estoy aprendiendo tanto y aprenderé aun mas. Saben por que? Porque voy a ser un ejemplo vivo y sano de su eficacia y de una alternativa no medieval, jajajaja. Quiero decir ("no le corto la cabeza, Cirugía, no me pongo mas a la hoguera, Radiación, ni me enveneno, Quimioterapia") Esto lo escuche de una conferencia y me dio mucha risa, pero la verdad que esas fueron las alternativas que tuve y fracasaron. No les digo que es un honor que el universo se alinea para ayudarme! Me ayuda a experimentar la eficacia de una técnica que se utiliza en mi futura profesion.
Con el aporte y apoyo de cada uno de ustedes estaré en futuro al igual que Dr. Lam dando un esperanza de vida a muchas personas con cancer, a sus padres, herman@s, hij@s, amig@s, y a todos aquellos que le los aman. (Asi como ustedes me aman a mi ;) ) Yo me estaría graduando en agosto de este año, y por obvias razones, se pospondrá un par de meses este evento, al que todos están mas que invitados ;), pero tengo a mi favor en ganancia toda la experiencia que estoy teniendo. Soy mejor medico porque soy un paciente, soy mucho mas compasiva porque se lo que es tener dolor. Tengo mas Fe que nunca porque creo en el futuro aunque las circunstancias se muestren turbias.
Díganme si el plan divino no es perfecto? ustedes me ayudan hoy a mi y yo multiplicare a la vez esa generosidad y apoyo, Dios mediante, a cientos ojalá miles de personas en el futuro...
Un abrazoteeee rompe costillas!!!
Mi corazón esta llenito de luz y de amor, se siente humilde y agradecido por la oleadas de afecto y buenas energias que me llegan :)
No se alcanzan a imaginar como me emociono al ver, leer, recibir, sentir tanto pero tanto amor :*
Cada instante que miro a mi pequeñita Emma, evoco todo el amor que ustedes me dan. Me recargo y reafirmo la certeza de que estaremos, Dios mediante, junticas mucho, mucho tiempo. Me imagino todas la canas verdes, que la nueva adición de la familia nos va a sacar y me lleno de alegria.
Este pedacito de Cielo llego a nuestras vidas dandonos el mayor regocijo. Creo que la bendición del nacimiento de Emma a pesar de mi condición y su perfecto estado de salud, es un mensaje de esperanza multiplicado y reafirmado por cada uno de sus mensajes, oraciones, pensamientos y sus donaciones.
Muchos me conocen personalmente algunos solo de "oídas" a todos y cada uno mi eterno agradecimiento. Oro y clamo a Dios porque la luz que comparten conmigo y a su vez con mi familia, sea exponencialmente multiplicada.
La verdad que estando en "mis zapatos", ver como mis padres, hermanos, cuñado, esposo, suegros, cuñadas, primo@s, ti@s, mis hermanas adoptivas y amig@s se han movilizado y han tocado el corazón de sus familiares y amigos apoyando mi sanción, es la manifestación de Dios a traves de sus ayudadores y angeles... TODOS USTEDES!
Es un gran honor ver como todo el amor del universo se alinea para ayudarme.
No se imaginan la felicidad que me inunda la idea de que a traves de mi sanación por esta via de la medicina tradicional china, estoy aprendiendo tanto y aprenderé aun mas. Saben por que? Porque voy a ser un ejemplo vivo y sano de su eficacia y de una alternativa no medieval, jajajaja. Quiero decir ("no le corto la cabeza, Cirugía, no me pongo mas a la hoguera, Radiación, ni me enveneno, Quimioterapia") Esto lo escuche de una conferencia y me dio mucha risa, pero la verdad que esas fueron las alternativas que tuve y fracasaron. No les digo que es un honor que el universo se alinea para ayudarme! Me ayuda a experimentar la eficacia de una técnica que se utiliza en mi futura profesion.
Con el aporte y apoyo de cada uno de ustedes estaré en futuro al igual que Dr. Lam dando un esperanza de vida a muchas personas con cancer, a sus padres, herman@s, hij@s, amig@s, y a todos aquellos que le los aman. (Asi como ustedes me aman a mi ;) ) Yo me estaría graduando en agosto de este año, y por obvias razones, se pospondrá un par de meses este evento, al que todos están mas que invitados ;), pero tengo a mi favor en ganancia toda la experiencia que estoy teniendo. Soy mejor medico porque soy un paciente, soy mucho mas compasiva porque se lo que es tener dolor. Tengo mas Fe que nunca porque creo en el futuro aunque las circunstancias se muestren turbias.
Díganme si el plan divino no es perfecto? ustedes me ayudan hoy a mi y yo multiplicare a la vez esa generosidad y apoyo, Dios mediante, a cientos ojalá miles de personas en el futuro...
Un abrazoteeee rompe costillas!!!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Texto en Espanol
En Julio de 2011, mi esposa Diana, quien para entonces contaba con 32 anos de edad, empezó a sentir una molestia en la nariz que no le permitía respirar bien, inicialmente se pensó que podría ser algún tipo de alergia, la cual se trato con medicamentos, pero sin ningún resultado. Algunas semanas después notamos que además de la molestia de no poder respirar, empezó a sangrar con frecuencia, así que inmediatamente pedimos cita donde un especialista, quien noto que había algún tipo de masa o crecimiento en la zona. A través de un MRI se pudo ver claramente que se trataba de algún tipo de masa que se extendía hacia la placa cribiforme en la base del cráneo, el medico considero la masa un pólipo y programo una cirugía para retirarlo.
La cirugía para remover el pólipo se realizo a la mayor brevedad posible, y en octubre del 2011, el medico removió parcialmente lo que definió como un tumor, sacando varias muestras las cuales fueron analizadas en laboratorio dando como resultado positivo "squamous cell carcinoma cells”. Diana fue referida al Hospital de la Universidad de Miami, con el Doctor Casiano, especialista en ese tipo de cáncer, quien confirmo los resultados y programo una cirugía extensiva, especializada y totalmente novedosa, en donde alcanzarían la ubicación del tumor sin tener que abrir el cráneo, la cirugía se realizaría a través del paladar y nariz, y de esa manera remover completamente el tumor.
La cirugía fue realizada a finales del 2011, con resultados positivos y con patología negativa de todas las muestras que se tomaron alrededor del área en donde se encontraba el tumor, Diana continuo su tratamiento con radioterapia, la cual cubriría la zona de nariz, cuello y cara, La radiaciones fueron administrada diariamente durante 6 semanas, y con una intensidad total de 60Gy (intensidad máxima que una persona puede recibir en esa zona). La terapia finalizo en febrero del 2012.
Cuatro meses después de haber terminado el tratamiento, tiempo en el cual Diana se sentía completamente recuperada, recibimos con alegría la noticia que estábamos esperando a nuestros primer hijo.
Su embarazo era normal, y Diana continuo con todos sus chequeos de rutina, entre los cuales incluso se le realizo un MRI al finalizar su primer trimestre de embarazo, todo salio bien, no habia rastro de celulas cancerigenas.
Sin embargo, una semana mas tarde Diana empezó a sentir una pequeña bolita cerca al lagrimal derecho, el cual parecía estar creciendo lentamente, Dr Casiano, inmediatamente realizo una biopsia la cual resulto positiva y clasificada como "Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma" (ACC), otro tipo de carcinoma diferente al que se detecto en la primera cirugía, el Nuevo tumor se extendía desde el lagrimal hacia el área maxilar, existe la posibilidad que esta tumor ya estuviera en crecimiento desde la primera cirugía, pero por su tamaño, ubicación o tipo de cáncer, no fue detectado para entonces. Se programo de carácter urgente una nueva cirugía, para entonces Diana contaba con 20 semanas de embarazo. Se removió el tumor y parte del hueso maxilar, y de nuevo las biopsias mostraron que el área estaba libre de células cancerigenas.
Hace tan solo unas semanas atrás, en febrero de 2013, un chequeo medico detecto una nueva masa, en esta oportunidad el tumor crecía dentro de la cavidad nasal muy cerca al ojo, se realizo la biopsia correspondiente y los resultados fueron los mismos que la ultima cirugía, positivo para ACC. Una semana y media mas tarde, a través de una cesárea programada nació nuestra primera hija, Emma Sophia, una bebe totalmente sana, quien actualmente disfruta del cuidado de su mama y del beneficio de la lactancia materna.
Diana fue referida al Bascom Palmer Hospital en Miami, para ser tratada por otro especialista, quien sugirió realizar una cirugía “open sky surgery” o “cirugia de rostro abierto, en donde se abriria la cara completamente , unica opcion para retirar el actual tumor, y poder revisar y retirar cualquier otro tumor o crecimiento anormal. Para entonces, nuevas biopsias fueron tomadas, las cuales revelaron la presencia de celulares cancerígenas ACC, esparcidas en varios lugares, nariz, paladar, y cerebro, lo que indicaba que el cáncer ya había hecho metástasis.
La conclusión a la que llego la junta médica, la cual evaluó detalladamente el caso de Diana, es que las medicina alopática, o medicina tradicional, no puede ofrecerle mas alternativas,con metastasis ya no es susceptible a nuevas cirugías, ni radiación, ni quimioterapia, básicamente no saben como mas tratar el caso.
Mi esposa, es actualmente estudiante de último ano de Medicina Oriental y Herbologia. A traves de sus estudios y el contacto con nuevas personas quienes cuentan con estilos de vida diferentes, nos ha permitido conocer de cerca otras terapias y medicinas, y nos a abierto la puerta a valiosa información.
Desde el ano 2011, Diana, cambio su dieta totalmente, no consume productos lácteos, carnes rojas o pollo, solo pescado unas pocas veces a la semana, su consumo de azúcar esta limitado al que obtiene a través de las frutas, y su dieta se basa en frutas y vegetales frescos y granos. Muchos jugos saludables hacen parte de nuestra vida diaria, y digo nuestra, porque yo también felizmente he cambiado mi estilo de vida. El objetivo básico de este sistema de nutrición es poder ayudar al cuerpo a permanecer lo mas alcalino posible para controlar el crecimiento de las células cancerigenas, lo cual es lo recomendado en este tipo especifico de cáncer.
Diana y yo creemos que hay mucho por aprender, y que existen otras formas de sanción, y de tratar este cáncer, es así como encontramos al Dr. Marcelo Lam, a quien conocimos por sugerencia de una amiga de Diana de la universidad. Dr. Lam, es especializado en Oncología a través de Medicina Tradicional China, quien ofrece tratar a Diana, pero la mayor parte del tratamiento se debe realizar fuera de los Estados Unidos, y posteriormente seguimientos en Miami.
Nuestro hogar ya ha sido bendecido con la llegada de nuestra hija Emma, y Diana y yo estamos seguros que los tres superaremos este reto que la vida nos presenta hoy.
En este momento, estamos buscando ayuda para reunir los recursos económicos necesarios para que Diana pueda llevar a cabo este tratamiento, ya que los costos son altos y no lo cubre ningún seguro medico.
Si quieres ayudarnos puedes hacer tu donacion a traves de paypal.
La cirugía para remover el pólipo se realizo a la mayor brevedad posible, y en octubre del 2011, el medico removió parcialmente lo que definió como un tumor, sacando varias muestras las cuales fueron analizadas en laboratorio dando como resultado positivo "squamous cell carcinoma cells”. Diana fue referida al Hospital de la Universidad de Miami, con el Doctor Casiano, especialista en ese tipo de cáncer, quien confirmo los resultados y programo una cirugía extensiva, especializada y totalmente novedosa, en donde alcanzarían la ubicación del tumor sin tener que abrir el cráneo, la cirugía se realizaría a través del paladar y nariz, y de esa manera remover completamente el tumor.
La cirugía fue realizada a finales del 2011, con resultados positivos y con patología negativa de todas las muestras que se tomaron alrededor del área en donde se encontraba el tumor, Diana continuo su tratamiento con radioterapia, la cual cubriría la zona de nariz, cuello y cara, La radiaciones fueron administrada diariamente durante 6 semanas, y con una intensidad total de 60Gy (intensidad máxima que una persona puede recibir en esa zona). La terapia finalizo en febrero del 2012.
Cuatro meses después de haber terminado el tratamiento, tiempo en el cual Diana se sentía completamente recuperada, recibimos con alegría la noticia que estábamos esperando a nuestros primer hijo.
Su embarazo era normal, y Diana continuo con todos sus chequeos de rutina, entre los cuales incluso se le realizo un MRI al finalizar su primer trimestre de embarazo, todo salio bien, no habia rastro de celulas cancerigenas.
Sin embargo, una semana mas tarde Diana empezó a sentir una pequeña bolita cerca al lagrimal derecho, el cual parecía estar creciendo lentamente, Dr Casiano, inmediatamente realizo una biopsia la cual resulto positiva y clasificada como "Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma" (ACC), otro tipo de carcinoma diferente al que se detecto en la primera cirugía, el Nuevo tumor se extendía desde el lagrimal hacia el área maxilar, existe la posibilidad que esta tumor ya estuviera en crecimiento desde la primera cirugía, pero por su tamaño, ubicación o tipo de cáncer, no fue detectado para entonces. Se programo de carácter urgente una nueva cirugía, para entonces Diana contaba con 20 semanas de embarazo. Se removió el tumor y parte del hueso maxilar, y de nuevo las biopsias mostraron que el área estaba libre de células cancerigenas.
Hace tan solo unas semanas atrás, en febrero de 2013, un chequeo medico detecto una nueva masa, en esta oportunidad el tumor crecía dentro de la cavidad nasal muy cerca al ojo, se realizo la biopsia correspondiente y los resultados fueron los mismos que la ultima cirugía, positivo para ACC. Una semana y media mas tarde, a través de una cesárea programada nació nuestra primera hija, Emma Sophia, una bebe totalmente sana, quien actualmente disfruta del cuidado de su mama y del beneficio de la lactancia materna.
Diana fue referida al Bascom Palmer Hospital en Miami, para ser tratada por otro especialista, quien sugirió realizar una cirugía “open sky surgery” o “cirugia de rostro abierto, en donde se abriria la cara completamente , unica opcion para retirar el actual tumor, y poder revisar y retirar cualquier otro tumor o crecimiento anormal. Para entonces, nuevas biopsias fueron tomadas, las cuales revelaron la presencia de celulares cancerígenas ACC, esparcidas en varios lugares, nariz, paladar, y cerebro, lo que indicaba que el cáncer ya había hecho metástasis.
La conclusión a la que llego la junta médica, la cual evaluó detalladamente el caso de Diana, es que las medicina alopática, o medicina tradicional, no puede ofrecerle mas alternativas,con metastasis ya no es susceptible a nuevas cirugías, ni radiación, ni quimioterapia, básicamente no saben como mas tratar el caso.
Mi esposa, es actualmente estudiante de último ano de Medicina Oriental y Herbologia. A traves de sus estudios y el contacto con nuevas personas quienes cuentan con estilos de vida diferentes, nos ha permitido conocer de cerca otras terapias y medicinas, y nos a abierto la puerta a valiosa información.
Desde el ano 2011, Diana, cambio su dieta totalmente, no consume productos lácteos, carnes rojas o pollo, solo pescado unas pocas veces a la semana, su consumo de azúcar esta limitado al que obtiene a través de las frutas, y su dieta se basa en frutas y vegetales frescos y granos. Muchos jugos saludables hacen parte de nuestra vida diaria, y digo nuestra, porque yo también felizmente he cambiado mi estilo de vida. El objetivo básico de este sistema de nutrición es poder ayudar al cuerpo a permanecer lo mas alcalino posible para controlar el crecimiento de las células cancerigenas, lo cual es lo recomendado en este tipo especifico de cáncer.
Diana y yo creemos que hay mucho por aprender, y que existen otras formas de sanción, y de tratar este cáncer, es así como encontramos al Dr. Marcelo Lam, a quien conocimos por sugerencia de una amiga de Diana de la universidad. Dr. Lam, es especializado en Oncología a través de Medicina Tradicional China, quien ofrece tratar a Diana, pero la mayor parte del tratamiento se debe realizar fuera de los Estados Unidos, y posteriormente seguimientos en Miami.
Nuestro hogar ya ha sido bendecido con la llegada de nuestra hija Emma, y Diana y yo estamos seguros que los tres superaremos este reto que la vida nos presenta hoy.
En este momento, estamos buscando ayuda para reunir los recursos económicos necesarios para que Diana pueda llevar a cabo este tratamiento, ya que los costos son altos y no lo cubre ningún seguro medico.
Si quieres ayudarnos puedes hacer tu donacion a traves de paypal.
Thank you !!! - Gracias !!!!
We are truly amazed of the response given to us on this moments...!! We just can't say how gratefil we are of the huge! support received...!!! we know, Diana and I that this is just a small obstacle we will overcome!!
Michael, Diana and Emma...
Estamos verdaderamente asombrados de la respuesta de todos en estos momentos,!! No hay palabras para agradecer el inmenso soporte y esfuerzo recibido!!! Nosotros sabemos, Dianita y yo que esto es solo un pequeno obstaculo que vamos a sobrepasar...!!
Michael, Diana y Emma...
Michael, Diana and Emma...
Estamos verdaderamente asombrados de la respuesta de todos en estos momentos,!! No hay palabras para agradecer el inmenso soporte y esfuerzo recibido!!! Nosotros sabemos, Dianita y yo que esto es solo un pequeno obstaculo que vamos a sobrepasar...!!
Michael, Diana y Emma...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
On July 2011, my wife Diana age 32 at that time, started feeling one side of her
right nose passage blocked, and initially it was thought it could be some type
of allergy and meds were prescribed without any success. After a few
weeks some nose bleeding was noted and immediately we went to the specialist who noted a mass blocking the way. MRI's were taken and the mass was clearly
seen extending up the nose towards the cribiform plate at the base of the skull. This was thought to be a polyp and a surgery was programmed to remove it.
Diana is currently studying Oriental Medicine, and Herbology on her last trimester. A lot of good information and advises were received. Since 2011 Diana changed her diet completely, no milk products, no red meat nor chicken, and just a few fish. Her sugar intake has been completely removed and only being sweetened by fruits. A lot of natural juices and vegetable juices are part of her diet, trying to alkalinize her body as suggested for this type of disorders. I mean, her lifestyle has changed and mine too, and we are extremely happy to keep it that way.
We feel that there is more to learn, and other ways of healing this issue. That is how we reached Dr. Marcelo Lam, suggested by one of Diana's good friends from school; The Dr. specializes in cancer treatments through traditional Chinese medicine. The main part of the treatment will be done out of the country,and the follow up treatments will be done in the US.
The surgery was performed soon after in October 2011. They removed partially
the tumor and took samples which came back as: "squamous cell carcinoma cells".
Diana was then referred to the University of Miami Hospital, to Dr. Casiano
specialist on this type of cancers. He further investigated and noted that the
tumor had invaded partially the cribiform plate trying to extend to the brain
cavity, so a skull base resection was programmed to remove all seen cancer
cells. This surgery was performed at the end of 2011 with good results and clear negative margins were
achieved. Thereafter, extensive radiotherapy to the nasal section, neck and face was given during
six weeks, everyday 2 Gy for a total of 60 Gy, and this treatment finished in Feb 2012.
4 months after finishing this treatment and feeling well recovered, we got pregnant. Diana continued going to her follow-up appointments, with only an MRI on the first trimester of pregnancy. Diana started feeling a small lump on the right lacrimal, and slowly growing. Doctors performed a biopsy and an "Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma" (ACC) type of tumor was diagnosed at the lacrimal region extending near the nose and maxillary bone underneath. This was another type of carcinoma, or probably the same initial one but its type hadn't been detected exactly. Diana underwent a third surgery in Nov. 2012, the tumor and a part of facial bone was removed with it, again, clear negative margins were achieved.
Some weeks ago, in Feb 2013 and at that time 36 weeks pregnant, during another follow-up check, a very small lump was detected and a biopsy was taken on the same internal nasal cavity, near the eye. This came once again positive for ACC. Diana delivered a healthy girl 37 and a half weeks old by c-section and is currently breastfeeding a perfectly healthy girl.
Doctors referred her to the Bascom Palmer Hospital in Miami, where an eye surgeon and another specialist suggested an open sky surgery (cut face open) to look inside and try to remove all tumor growths. Another biopsy more details of different locations was performed, and all four came back positive for ACC. They also sent Diana for another MRI with contrast, and this exam showed that the cancer had spread to various locations in her nasal cavity and to part of the brain, meaning that her cancer had spread to other locations (metastases). The conclusions from the tumor board (medical panel of experts) was that it was not possible to do more surgeries nor more radiotherapy. Basically western medicine did not know what else to do.
4 months after finishing this treatment and feeling well recovered, we got pregnant. Diana continued going to her follow-up appointments, with only an MRI on the first trimester of pregnancy. Diana started feeling a small lump on the right lacrimal, and slowly growing. Doctors performed a biopsy and an "Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma" (ACC) type of tumor was diagnosed at the lacrimal region extending near the nose and maxillary bone underneath. This was another type of carcinoma, or probably the same initial one but its type hadn't been detected exactly. Diana underwent a third surgery in Nov. 2012, the tumor and a part of facial bone was removed with it, again, clear negative margins were achieved.
Some weeks ago, in Feb 2013 and at that time 36 weeks pregnant, during another follow-up check, a very small lump was detected and a biopsy was taken on the same internal nasal cavity, near the eye. This came once again positive for ACC. Diana delivered a healthy girl 37 and a half weeks old by c-section and is currently breastfeeding a perfectly healthy girl.
Doctors referred her to the Bascom Palmer Hospital in Miami, where an eye surgeon and another specialist suggested an open sky surgery (cut face open) to look inside and try to remove all tumor growths. Another biopsy more details of different locations was performed, and all four came back positive for ACC. They also sent Diana for another MRI with contrast, and this exam showed that the cancer had spread to various locations in her nasal cavity and to part of the brain, meaning that her cancer had spread to other locations (metastases). The conclusions from the tumor board (medical panel of experts) was that it was not possible to do more surgeries nor more radiotherapy. Basically western medicine did not know what else to do.
Diana is currently studying Oriental Medicine, and Herbology on her last trimester. A lot of good information and advises were received. Since 2011 Diana changed her diet completely, no milk products, no red meat nor chicken, and just a few fish. Her sugar intake has been completely removed and only being sweetened by fruits. A lot of natural juices and vegetable juices are part of her diet, trying to alkalinize her body as suggested for this type of disorders. I mean, her lifestyle has changed and mine too, and we are extremely happy to keep it that way.
We feel that there is more to learn, and other ways of healing this issue. That is how we reached Dr. Marcelo Lam, suggested by one of Diana's good friends from school; The Dr. specializes in cancer treatments through traditional Chinese medicine. The main part of the treatment will be done out of the country,and the follow up treatments will be done in the US.
We have been blessed with our first child, a baby girl who is 1 month old and Diana and I have the will and we are totally sure we will overcome this challenge successfully.
We are reaching for help, to gather all the resources Diana needs for this specialized treatment and the follow ups that will be coming since costs are not covered by any health insurance.
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